Pega Senior System Architect, Pega_CSSA-74Vl

Best Training Institute in coimbatore for Pega Senior System Architect, Pega_CSSA-74Vl Training and Certification.

Nux Software Training & Certification Solutions excels in providing top-notch cloud computing training in Coimbatore. The AWS cloud services platform, with its compute power, content delivery, and database storage capabilities, facilitates business growth. The training program is meticulously crafted to deepen understanding of AWS architectural principles, enabling participants to grasp how cloud computing reshapes IT architecture standards.

Our institute is proud to be a leader in AWS cloud training, boasting seasoned professionals with the expertise to guide aspirants in application and system design on AWS. We emphasize earning AWS training certification through recommended courses, labs, and exams. Moreover, our well-equipped lab operates around the clock, ensuring accessibility for professionals, corporate entities, individuals, and those undergoing live project or industrial training.

Moreover, we have designed a lab having the well-equipped infrastructure and 24/7 accessible facility that is ideal even for professionals, corporate, individuals, live project training, industrial training as well.

We have placed above 500 registered companies and 10000+ students and professionals, all are working in the reputed positions.

Course Syllabus

Pega Senior System Architect, Pega_CSSA-74Vl

Application Development - 28%

- Define the Enterprise Class Structure
- Create an application with the New Application wizard
- Understand the rule resolution process; adjust rule availability
- Identify how circumstancing affects application behavior
- Circumstance rules on a single variable or multiple variables
- Differentiate between a queue processor and a job scheduler
- Identify the role and elements of activities in case processing
- Automate actions when a property value changes
- Promote rule reuse with relevant records
- Identify the role and impacts of application versioning; Use of ruleset skimming
- Configure and validate application rulesets
- Branch rulesets for parallel development
- Migrate an application; use of product rules

Case Management - 15%

- Differentiate between work groups, work queues, and organizational structures
- Configure parallel processing for cases
- Manage concurrent case access; locking strategies
- Configure flow action pre- and post- processing
- Extend service-level agreement configurations

Data and Integration - 19%

- Validate data against a pattern
- Identify use cases for keyed data pages
- Exchange data with other applications
- Manage integration settings
- Address integration errors in connectors
- Expose an application with a web service

User Experience - 5%

- Create and customize Pega Web Mashups
- Configure Pega Web Mashup authentication

Reporting - 5%

- Design reports with multiple sources; associations and joins

Performance - 7%

- Measure System Performance; use of performance-related tools
- Debug system performance
- Review log files: Distinguish system events and performance events

Security - 16%

- Distinguish between role-based, attribute-based, and client-based access control
- Organize and manage case attachments
- Secure data with data encryption

Mobility - 5%

- Differentiate between the delivery options for mobile devices
- Design applications for mobile use; use of certificate sets

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