AWS Developer-Associate (DVA-C02) Certification

Nux software Solution training institute provides the best cloud computing training class all over Coimbatore. AWS is a secure cloud services platform that offers compute power, content delivery, database storage, and other functionality to assist businesses to grow. The AWS cloud training is designed to help businesses to adopt an in-depth understanding of AWS architectural principles and services. It will make you able to learn how cloud computing is specifying the rules of IT architecture.

Nux software solutions is one of the best AWS training in Coimbatore, our institute is the leading AWS cloud training institute in Coimbatore and Tamilnadu. It has veteran employers equipped with technical skills and know how to design applications and systems on AWS. They assist the aspirants in building their technical skills as per the way to earn AWS training certification only through the way of recommended courses, labs, and exams.

Moreover, we have designed a lab having a well-equipped infrastructure and 24/7 accessible facility that is ideal even for professionals, corporate, individuals, live project training, and industrial training as well.

We have placed above 500 registered companies and 10000+ students and professionals, all are working in reputed positions.

Course Syllabus

Module 1

Beginners Guide to IAM, Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), IAM 101 Summary

Module 2

Beginners Guide to EC, Introducing EC2, EC2 Pricing Options, Exploring EC2 Instance Types, Launching An EC2 Instance - Demo, Understanding EBS Volumes, Creating An EBS Volume - Demo, How To Use Putty (Windows Users Only), Elastic Load Balancer, Route 53 Lab, CLI Demo Lab, EC2 with S3 Role Lab, RDS 101, RDS Lab, RDS Multi-AZ and Read Replicas, Elasticache 101 Systems Manager Parameter Store, EC2 Summary

Module 3

S3, S3 101, S3 Security, S3 Policies, S3 Encryption, Set Up Encryption On an S3 Bucket, CORS Configuration Lab, CloudFront, CloudFront Lab, S3 Performance Optimization, S3 Performance Update, S3 Summary

Module 4

Introduction to Serverless Computing, Serverless 101, Lambda, API Gateway, Building A Serverless Website - Demo, Version Control with Lambda, Make an Alexa Skill Lab, Step Functions, X-Ray, Advanced API Gateway, Serverless Summary

Module 5

DynamoDB, Introduction to DynamoDB, Creating a DynamoDB Table Lab, Indexes Deepdive, HANDS-ON LAB AWS DynamoDB in the Console - Creating Tables, Items, and Indexes, Scan vs Query API Call, DynamoDB Provisioned Throughput, DynamoDB On-Demand Capacity, DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), ElastiCache, DynamoDB Transactions, DynamoDB TTL, DynamoDB Streams, Provisioned Throughput Exceeded & Exponential Backoff, DynamoDB Summary

Module 6

KMS and Encryption on AWS, KMS 101, Creating A CMK - Demo, Understanding KMS API Calls - Demo, Exploring Envelope Encryption, KMS Summary

Module 7

Other AWS Services, SQS, Understanding SQS Queue Types, SQS Settings, SQS Delay Queues & Large Messages, Simple Notification Service, SES vs SNS, Kinesis 101, Setting Up A Kinesis Data Stream - Demo, Kinesis Shards & Consumers, Introducing Elastic Beanstalk, Deploying An Application With Elastic Beanstalk - Demo, Updating Elastic Beanstalk, Updating An Application In Elastic Beanstalk - Demo, Advanced Elastic Beanstalk, RDS & Elastic Beanstalk, Other AWS Services Summary - Part 1, Other AWS Services Summary - Part 2

Module 8

Developer Theory, What is CI/CD?, CodeCommit 101, CodeCommit Lab, HANDS-ON LAB Configure and Work with CodeCommit from the CLI, CodeDeploy 101, The CodeDeploy AppSpec File CodeDeploy Lifecycle Event Hooks, CodeDeploy Lab, CodePipeline 101, CodePipeline Lab, HANDS-ON LAB Setting Up an AWS CodePipeline with a Manual Approval, Elastic Container Service, Docker and CodeBuild Lab 1, Docker and CodeBuild Lab 2, Docker and CodeBuild Lab Summary and Exam Tips, CloudFormation, CloudFormation Lab, Serverless Application Model (SAM), CloudFormation & SAM Lab, CloudFormation Nested Stacks, HANDS-ON LAB Working with CloudFormation Nested Stacks, Developer Theory Summary

Module 9

Advanced IAM, Web Identity Federation, Cognito User Pools, Cognito Lab, Inline Policies vs Managed Policies vs Custom Policies, STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, Configuring Cross Account Access - Demo, Advanced IAM Summary

Module 10

Monitoring, Introduction To CloudWatch, CloudWatch Lab, CloudWatch Vs CloudTrail

Module 11

Updates Based On Student Feedback, Introduction, CLI Pagination, IAM Policy Simulator, Lambda Concurrent Executions Limit, Lambda Versions, Lambda & VPC Access, X-Ray Configuration, Docker & Elastic Beanstalk, Additional Resources, Chapter Summary
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