CyberArk PAM-DEF Exam Objectives


CyberARK PAM-DEF: Advanced Privileged Access Management

Nux Software Solutions, based in Coimbatore, offers CyberARK PAM-DEF, a cutting-edge Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution designed to enhance cybersecurity for organizations of all sizes.

Key Features:

  1. Robust access control for privileged accounts
  2. Real-time monitoring and auditing of privileged sessions
  3. Secure password vault with automatic rotation
  4. Just-in-time privileged access provisioning
  5. Integration with existing IT infrastructure


  • Mitigates insider threats and external cyberattacks
  • Ensures compliance with industry regulations
  • Streamlines privileged access workflows
  • Reduces operational costs and IT overhead

Nux Software provides local support and customization options for businesses in Coimbatore and beyond, ensuring smooth implementation and ongoing maintenance of the CyberARK PAM-DEF solution.

Course Syllabus


Section 1: Introduction to Privileged Access Management (10%)
- Overview and importance of Privileged Access Management
- Introduction to CyberArk as a PAM solution
- Key concepts and terminology in PAM

Section 2: CyberArk Architecture and Components (15%)
- Components of CyberArk infrastructure
- Deployment options and system requirements
- High availability and scalability considerations

Section 3: CyberArk Defender Fundamentals (15%)
- Privileged accounts and credentials
- Privileged access policies in CyberArk
- Monitoring and auditing privileged activities

Section 4: CyberArk Installation and Configuration (20%)
- Preparing the environment for CyberArk deployment
- Installing and configuring CyberArk components
- Integration with target systems and applications

Section 5: Privileged Account Security and Management (15%)
- Securing privileged accounts and credentials
- Password management best practices
- Session isolation and session management

Section 6: Monitoring and Auditing Privileged Activities (15%)
- Configuring and managing auditing and logging in CyberArk
- Monitoring privileged sessions and activities
- Generating reports and alerts for privileged access

Section 7: CyberArk Defender Operations and Troubleshooting (10%)
- Managing user access and permissions
- Handling access requests and workflow approvals
- Troubleshooting common issues and errors

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