Zero to Hero Linux System Administrator | Best Linux Training Academy | Linux Training Institute in Coimbatore With Job Placements

Nux software Solutions is built with the trust of students and emerges out as the best training institute in Coimbatore. It is known for offering the finest Linux system Administration training programs that take out the skills of yours to manage the local storage using logical volumes and partitions. Apart from this, you can also easily control the services, virtual machines, systems, and processes. 

Linux system Administration course will give you the capability to install, deploy, configure, update and maintain the Linux systems. In short, our offered Linux training course covers the basic concepts and skill required for proper configuration.

Among others, Nux software Solutions is the best training provider and appreciated for offering advanced training programs that give you better hands-on experience. Our equipped labs are designed to well-support the course and accessible for all the students and professional for 24*7. 

Get ready to take the best training under the guidance of industry experts who are updated with the latest innovations. If we trust the figure, since our commencement we have placed more than 10000 students in 500 registered companies. If you are looking for the great salary package and good career exposure, then make your career with Nux software Solutions.

Course Syllabus

Module 1 – Understanding Linux Concepts

What is Linux?
Everyday use of Linux
Unix vs. Linux
Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Module 2 – Download, Install and Configure

What is Oracle Virtual Box?
Downloading and Installing Oracle Virtual Box
Creating virtual machine
Linux Distributions
Different way to install Linux
Downloading and Installing Linux (CentOS)
Redhat Linux installation (Optional)
Linux Desktop (GUI)
Virtual Machine Management
Linux vs. Windows
Who Uses Linux?
Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Module 3 – System Access and File System

Accessing Linux system
Download and install Putty
New Network Commands (ifconfig and ip)
Connect Linux VM via Putty
Important Things to Remember in Linux
Introduction to File System
File system structure description
File system navigation commands
File System Paths
Directory listing overview
Creating Files and Directories
Linux File Types
Finding Files and Directories (find, locate)
Difference between find and locate command
Changing Password
Wildcard (*, $, ^)
Soft and Hard Links (ln)
How to open image file through GUI
Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Module 4 – Linux Fundamentals

Commands Syntax
File Permissions (chmod)
File Ownership (chown, chgrp)
Getting Help (man, whatis etc.)
TAB completion and up arrow keys
Adding text to file
Standard output to a file (tee command)
Pipes ( | )
File Maintenance Commands
File Display Commands
Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc)
Compare Files (diff, cmp)
Compress and un-compress files/directories (tar, gzip, gunzip)
Truncate file size (truncate)
Combining and Splitting Files (cat and split)
Linux vs. Windows Commands
Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Module 5 – Linux System Administration

Linux File Editors (vi text editor)
“sed” command
User account management
Switch users and Sudo access
Monitor users
Talking to users (users, wall, write)
Linux Directory Service - Account Authentication
System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)
Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at)
System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.)
OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.)
System logs monitor (/var/log)
Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl)
Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/rel, dmidecode)
System Architecture (arch)
Terminal control keys
Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script)
Recover root Password (single user mode)
SOS Report
Environment variables
Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Module 6 – Shell Scripting

Linux Kernel
What is a Shell?
Types of Shells
Shell scripting
Basic Shell scripts
If-then scripts
For loop scripts
Do-while scripts
Case statement scripts
Command history

Module 7 – Networking, Servers and System Updates

Enabling internet in Linux VM
Network Components
Network files and commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files)
NIC Information (ethtool)
NIC or port bonding
Download files with URLs (wget)
curl and ping commands
File transfer commands (ftp, scp etc.)
System updates and repositories (rpm and yum)
System Upgrade/Patch Management
Create Local Repository from CD/DVD
Advance Package Management
Rollback Patches and Updates
SSH and Telnet
Hostname and IP Lookup (nslookup and dig)
Apache Web Server (http)
Central Logger (rsyslogd)
Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening)
OpenLDAP Installation
Tracing Network Traffic (traceroute)
Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Module 8 – Disk Management and Run Levels

System run levels
Linux Boot Process
Message of the Day
Customize Message of the Day
Disk partition (df, fdisk, etc.)
Add Disk and Create Standard Partition
Logical Volume Management (LVM)
LVM Configuration during Installation
Add Disk and Create LVM Partition
Extend disk using LVM
Adding swap space
File System Check (fsck and xfs_repair)
System Backup (dd Command)
Network File System (NFS)
Difference Between CentOS/Redhat 5, 6 and 7
Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Module 9 – All About Resume

Resume workshop
Cover Letter
Linux job description or duties
Exposure to other technologies
Homework and Handouts

Module 10 – All About Interview

What is IT?
IT Components
Facts about IT
Linux around us
Linux Operating System Jobs
IT Management Jobs
Post resume and what to expect
Interview workshop
Redhat certifications
Join Linux community
200+ interview questions
Homework and handouts
Course Recap
Commands We Have Learned
Don’t give up
Recap – Handouts
Additional Resources
VMWare Workstation Player (Optional)
Create VMWare VM
Install Oracle Virtualbox on MAC
Install Oracle Guest Addition (Tools)
Troubleshooting Putty Connection
Changing Default File Permissions (umask)
Filesystem Color Definition
Additional Resources – Handout
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