VMware certified Spring Professional Develop


Nux Software Training & Certification Solutions is Coimbatore’s finest VMware certified Spring Professional Develop training center. Nux Software Training & Certification Solutions in Coimbatore offers great and sophisticated training programs that will improve your performance and provide you with hands-on experience. Expert trainers in our sector have a wide range of abilities and experience in their graded areas. The environment at the Training Center is ideal for professional, individual, corporate, live project, and industrial training. The lab’s infrastructure is cutting-edge and well-managed, and you can use it from anywhere at any time. The training center employs international specialist teachers who have extensive knowledge and real-world industrial experience. Our training programs incorporate a variety of cutting-edge learning methods and delivery models. We understand your needs and will provide you with 100% growth.

Course Syllabus

VMware Certified Spring Professional Develop Syllabus

Spring Core

- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Java Configuration

  • Define Spring Beans using Java code
  • Access Beans in the Application Context
  • Handle multiple Configuration files
  • Handle Dependencies between Beans
  • Explain and define Bean Scopes
- Properties and Profiles
  • Use External Properties to control Configuration
  • Demonstrate the purpose of Profiles
  • Use the Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
- Annotation-Based Configuration and Component Scanning
  • Explain and use Annotation-based Configuration
  • Discuss Best Practices for Configuration choices
  • Use @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
  • Explain and use “Stereotype” Annotations
- Spring Bean Lifecycle
  • Explain the Spring Bean Lifecycle
  • Use a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and a BeanPostProcessor
  • Explain how Spring proxies add behavior at runtime
  • Describe how Spring determines bean creation order
  • Avoid issues when Injecting beans by type
- Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Explain the concepts behind AOP and the problems that it solves
  • Implement and deploy Advices using Spring AOP
  • Use AOP Pointcut Expressions
  • Explain different types of Advice and when to use them

Data Management

- Introduction to Spring JDBC

  • Use and configure Spring’s JdbcTemplate
  • Execute queries using callbacks to handle result sets
  • Handle data access exceptions
- Transaction Management with Spring
  • Describe and use Spring Transaction Management
  • Configure Transaction Propagation
  • Setup Rollback rules
  • Use Transactions in Tests
- Spring Boot and Spring Data for Backing Stores
  • Implement a Spring JPA application using Spring Boot
  • Create Spring Data Repositories for JPA

Spring MVC

- Web Applications with Spring Boot

  • Explain how to create a Spring MVC application using Spring Boot
  • Describe the basic request processing lifecycle for REST requests
  • Create a simple RESTful controller to handle GET requests
  • Configure for deployment
- REST Applications
  • Create controllers to support the REST endpoints for various verbs
  • Utilize RestTemplate to invoke RESTful services


- Testing Spring Applications

  • Write tests using JUnit 5
  • Write Integration Tests using Spring
  • Configure Tests using Spring Profiles
  • Extend Spring Tests to work with Databases
- Advanced Testing with Spring Boot and MockMVC
  • Enable Spring Boot testing
  • Perform integration testing
  • Perform MockMVC testing
  • Perform slice testing


- Explain basic security concepts
- Use Spring Security to configure Authentication and Authorization
- Define Method-level Security

Spring Boot

- Spring Boot Feature Introduction

  • Explain and use Spring Boot features
  • Describe Spring Boot dependency management
- Spring Boot Properties and Autoconfiguration
  • Describe options for defining and loading properties
  • Utilize auto-configuration
  • Override default configuration
- Spring Boot Actuator
  • Configure Actuator endpoints
  • Secure Actuator HTTP endpoints
  • Define custom metrics
  • Define custom health indicators

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