Oracle Certified Specialist

Top Oracle Linux 6 Certified Implementation Specialist Training Institute in Coimbatore.

Oracle Certified Specialist

Oracle Certified Specialist announces the release of the new Oracle Linux 6 certification paths. These new OCS credentials will give you a solid foundation of knowledge to implement and administer the Oracle Linux Operating System. Oracle Certification is also announcing the retirement** of the existing Oracle Linux certifications.

Oracle Certified Specialist OCS

The “Oracle Certified Specialist, has been designed for students who have strong knowhow of Oracle Linux operation system. It covers objectives like understanding options of system configuration, description of concepts of Oracle Linux, maintenance and installation of packages and Oracle Linux and management of groups and users, network configuration, storage devices and kernel modules.

OCS certification is 1st step in achievement of flagship of OCS credential. OCS certification thereby ensures that student is having skills fundamentally giving provision to foundation strong for Oracle products support. OCS certification is in great demand by today’s job roles of technology.



Java Class Design

Generics and Collections

Java Stream API

Use Java SE 8 Date/Time API

Java File I/O (NIO.2)

Building Database Applications with JDBC

Advanced Java Class Design

Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces

Exceptions and Assertions

Java I/O Fundamentals

Java Concurrency