Evaluate the Current System Landscape: 8%
Given a set of business requirements, identify the current system landscape and determine what standards, limitations, boundaries, and protocols exist.Given an existing system landscape, analyze for constraints and/or pain-points to satisfy a business requirement(s).Given a set of requirements, evaluate the authentication and authorization needs based on the system landscape.
Evaluate Business Needs: 11%
Given a use case, identify functional and non-functional requirements needed for integration.Based on a given integration requirement, identify and classify data into Confidential/Secure/Public.Given a use case, identify key factors for CRM success that should be included as integration requirements.Given a use case, identify the business growth and regulatory factors that can impact choice of integration solutions.
Translate Needs to Integration Requirements: 22%
Given an existing system landscape diagram, create an inventory of the systems and integration patterns.Given a use case and business process, evaluate system and process constraints.Given a use case, identify integration security/authentication/authorization requirements. Given a use case, identify performance needs (volumes, response times, latency) and propose appropriate integration solutions that will meet business requirements.
Design Integration Solutions: 28%
Given a use case, identify the integration pattern that meets business requirements.Given a use case, define the components which create a solution that meets business requirements. Given a use case, identify the trade-offs, limitations, and constraints that meet the proposed solution.Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints, or drivers, specify the appropriate Salesforce application programming interface(s) (API) for the proposed solution.Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints, or drivers, determine the standards, components, techniques, and security mechanism that should be used.
Build Solution: 23%
Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints, or drivers, identify the considerations when designing and implementing an API(s), both Salesforce as an API provider and Salesforce as an API consumer.Given a use case, identify the considerations when choosing the right option in making an outbound call to an external system.Given a use case, describe what should be considered when building a scalable solution.Given a use case, determine error handling for different integration options.Given a use case, create a security solution for inbound or outbound integrations.Given a use case, identify the factors needed to build resilience in an integration solution for system updates.
Maintain Integration: 8%
Given an integration maintenance use case, identify performance monitoring needs for integration requirements.Given a use case, identify the appropriate error handling, escalation, and recovery procedures for a failed integration.Given a use case, identify reporting needs for integration monitoring.