Certified salesforce-integration-architect Training and certification in Coimbatore

Best salesforce-integration-architect cloud architect Training Institute in Coimbatore.

Best salesforce-integration-architect training courses classes deliver by Nux software solutions in coimbatore. Nux software solutions in coimbatore has excellent and advanced training programs that will give you better performance & hands on experience. Our industry’s expert trainers offer a wide range of skills and experience in their graded areas. The Training center environment is too good for professional, individual, corporate, live project training and industrial training. Labs infrastructure is advanced, well managed and you can access LAB 24X7 from anywhere. Training center has international expert trainers and they have excellent knowledge, real time industry experience. Our Training programs combine with several innovative learning methods and delivery models. We understand your requirement and it will give you 100 percent growth for your career and provide the cost effective training programs and also work with flexibility for the trainees.

The Salesforce Administrator credential is designed for those who have experience with Salesforce and continuously look for ways to assist their companies in getting even more from additional features and capabilities.

Certified salesforce-integration-architect Syllabus


Evaluate the Current System Landscape: 8%
  • Given a set of business requirements, identify the current system landscape and determine what standards, limitations, boundaries, and protocols exist.
  • Given an existing system landscape, analyze for constraints and/or pain-points to satisfy a business requirement(s).
  • Given a set of requirements, evaluate the authentication and authorization needs based on the system landscape.
  • Evaluate Business Needs: 11%
  • Given a use case, identify functional and non-functional requirements needed for integration.
  • Based on a given integration requirement, identify and classify data into Confidential/Secure/Public.
  • Given a use case, identify key factors for CRM success that should be included as integration requirements.
  • Given a use case, identify the business growth and regulatory factors that can impact choice of integration solutions.
  • Translate Needs to Integration Requirements: 22%
  • Given an existing system landscape diagram, create an inventory of the systems and integration patterns.
  • Given a use case and business process, evaluate system and process constraints.
  • Given a use case, identify integration security/authentication/authorization requirements. 
  • Given a use case, identify performance needs (volumes, response times, latency) and propose appropriate integration solutions that will meet business requirements.
  • Design Integration Solutions: 28%
  • Given a use case, identify the integration pattern that meets business requirements.
  • Given a use case, define the components which create a solution that meets business requirements. 
  • Given a use case, identify the trade-offs, limitations, and constraints that meet the proposed solution.
  • Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints, or drivers, specify the appropriate Salesforce application programming interface(s) (API) for the proposed solution.
  • Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints, or drivers, determine the standards, components, techniques, and security mechanism that should be used.
  • Build Solution: 23%
  • Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints, or drivers, identify the considerations when designing and implementing an API(s), both Salesforce as an API provider and Salesforce as an API consumer.
  • Given a use case, identify the considerations when choosing the right option in making an outbound call to an external system.
  • Given a use case, describe what should be considered when building a scalable solution.
  • Given a use case, determine error handling for different integration options.
  • Given a use case, create a security solution for inbound or outbound integrations.
  • Given a use case, identify the factors needed to build resilience in an integration solution for system updates.
  • Maintain Integration: 8%
  • Given an integration maintenance use case, identify performance monitoring needs for integration requirements.
  • Given a use case, identify the appropriate error handling, escalation, and recovery procedures for a failed integration.
  • Given a use case, identify reporting needs for integration monitoring.