Diploma in Computer Hardware and Networking

Computer hardware and networking refer to the physical devices within a computer and the networks that connect them to share resources and exchange data with each other.
A Hardware Networking job is a process of creating maintaining a network through which two or more devices can commute between each other seamlessly. The devices can be routers, network bridges, modems, switches, cables, protocol converters, proxy servers and other networking devices like these.
Course Syllabus
Fundamental of information Technology:
Basic of IT, Introduction to DBMS, impressive web designing, cyber law, daily computing, web designing, Client side scripting, accounting package, digital content creation, Linux OS, libre office.
Computer Hardware and Maintenance:
Study of maintenance kit, computer peripheral, reassembling computer system, Disk drive performance, File system, unlock USB port, speaker, web camera.
PC Assembling and Troubleshooting:
Troubleshooting & repairing of motherboard & components on motherboard, Software & Hardware troubleshooting, use basic hand tools effectively, able to perform basic troubleshoots of PC, able to install & maintain software for PC
Windows 2007 Server Administration:
Server overview, Managing Windows server 2008, managing Storage, Monitoring & Troubleshooting Server, Essential services, File & Print Services, Popular window network service & Application.
Network Administration:
Overview of TCP/IP, Delivering the data, network services, Basic Configuration, Configuring interface, Configuring DNS, Local network services, Send mail, Network security, Troubleshooting TCP/IP.
Digital Electronics and Measuring Instruments:
Block Schematics of measuring system, Types of static error, Dynamic characteristics, electronic instrument, DC & AC meter, signal analyzer, Spectrum analyzer, CRO, Component of CRO, Estimation of circuit.