Zero to Hero Linux System Administrator

Top Linux RHCVA Training Institute in Coimbatore.

Nux software Solutions is built with the trust of students and emerges out as the best training institute in Coimbatore. It is known for offering the finest Linux system Administration training programs that take out the skills of yours to manage the local storage using logical volumes and partitions. 

Apart from this, you can also easily control the services, virtual machines, systems, and processes. Linux system Administration course will give you the capability to install, deploy, configure, update and maintain the Linux systems. In short, our offered Linux training course covers the basic concepts and skill required for proper configuration.

Among others, Nux software Solutions is the best training provider and appreciated for offering advanced training programs that give you better hands-on experience. Our equipped labs are designed to well-support the course and accessible for all the students and professional for 24*7. 

Get ready to take the best training under the guidance of industry experts who are updated with the latest innovations. If we trust the figure, since our commencement we have placed more than 10000 students in 500 registered companies. 

If you are looking for the great salary package and good career exposure, then make your career with Nux software Solutions.

Syllabus for zero to hero Linux administration


  • Unit-1 What is Linux ? Why Linux?
  • Unit-2 History Of Linux
  • Unit-3 Features Of linux
  • Unit-4 Famous Distribution
  • Unit-5 Linux security Why Linux is Virus proof?
  • Unit-6 Hardware Requirement
  • Unit-7 Structure Of Linux
  • Unit-8 GNU/LINUX OS Installation
  • Unit-9 Basic System configuration and Administration.
  • Unit-10 Linux Text mode installation
  • Unit-11 Introduction to vim, nano, gedit, gvim
  • Unit-12 Issue essential Linux commands from the command line
  • Unit-13 FIle Access Permissions
  • Unit-14 Customize X window system.
  • Unit-15 Network utilities for the user
  • Unit-16 Power User utilities